
SaddleCroft Farm Mini Pigs

Commonly Asked Questions

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Basic Care of a Mini Pig

What Kind of Litter Should I Buy?

     -FelinePine Litter because it is a wood base litter so there is no risk of it causing health issues if ingested.  All Equine beddings that are wood based will work as well.  Check out the Equine Pellets, they dissolve nicely into a dust form.  

Do not use normal Cat Litter!

What Type of Food Should I Buy?

     -Sharps Mini Pig Food (

     -Purina Nature Match Pig and Sow.  Can be found at most Tractor Supplies

I do not suggest Mazuri mini pig feeds since it dries there skin out.

How Big Will the Piglets Get?

     -I do not guarentee sizes and caution you against anyone who does.  Pigs are similar to Old English Bulldogs where they are not terribly tall but very thick.  Also, just like with the bulldogs, keep in mind that where some pigs are really small the breed as a whole is an average of 60-80lbs and 15" tall.  Yes, some are smaller but there is no way to guarentee size. You can have two small parents who have a tall beefy piglet...

What is the upkeep?

     -We start all our piglets off with there first shots and wormer.  You will want to visit a vet within the first 6 months to become a client and to give them a booster shot and another dose of wormer.  From there you would have yearly teeth clipping for males (if required), trim there "nails", and any basic hygene care.  Please read our Information Packet available on the Piglets page.

What Should I Bring to Pick-up My Piglet?

     -A sturdy box/crate, blanket/towel and a friend to travel with incase your piglet decides to try and escape.

I strongly recommend a cat carrier with a junky towel/blanket, piglets tend to poop/pee on the ride home

What are the Essentials to have Before Bringing My Piglet Home?

     -Water and food bowls, blankets for them to burrow in, pen/crate, litter box, food, harness, treats and lots of time to devote to your new best friend

What are the Steps to Purchasing?

     -Pick your piglet

     -Send Deposit with the signed Purchase Agreement (Available on the Piglets Page)    

          *Depsoits can be sent by Check, PayPal/Credit Card (3% fee) or Transfer

     -Pick-up your piglet

          *Final purchase price can by paid by Cash, PayPal/Credit Card (3% fee) or Transfer.  NO CHECKS

Do you except Payments?

I will except payments up until the piglet is ready to go home (8 weeks).  You can either start payments early (before your piglet is born) or make payments once you have your special piglet picked out.

Is Shipping Available?

     -Yes, ground shipping is available

          *Ground shipping is always changing based on the amount of animals the shippers have and the current gas prices

How do I get on a waiting list for future litters?

     -Getting on the list is quite simple.  Call/text/or email your contact information and let me know when you are looking to get a little piglet.  From there I will direct you to the form you can fill out and send in your deposit.  This deposit is to insure me that you are seriously interested in a piglet.  Once the piglets are born you will have 3 days from when I contact you to take your pick of the litter before I move onto the next name in the waiting list.  In the meantime make sure that you do reasearch about owning pigs and check out our information packet and purchase agreement.

What are your prices for piglets?

All my piglets start at $500 and go up from there depending on color and size.  Once they get older I will start dropping there prices in an attempt to place them in homes quickly.  If your budget does not allow you to purchase an 8 week old piglet please contact me or visit our piglet page to see which piglets are offered at the reduced rate.  

Why are they so expensive?

Mini pigs are a speciallized breed and it takes alot of time and care to make sure that you are breeding quality animals.  On top of that I have all of my piglets seen by a Veterinarian for an exam, Give there first shots, worm them every month, plus I spend time socializing them and litter box training them.  If you still feel that I am asking to much for my piglets I would encourage you to seek a a Veterianrian and see what they charge for all of the things that I have already had done for the piglets then factor in the time I spend with them plus the knowledge that you are indeed getting.   I think you will be pleasantly suprised with the amount of money you would save by purchasing one at my price.

What toys should I buy?

It is essential that you get toys for your piglet so they do not get bored.  A ball pit is always a good one, DIY rooting mats or balls are great, and the treat dispenser dog toys are always fun.  Many pigs also love stuffed animals and lots of blankets to root through and cuddle with.

Visit the Google for toy ideas or search Amazon for Enrichment Pet Toys

Please take the time to read through these Commonly asked Questions to better understand what is needed in order to understand the mini pig.  Please contact me with any further questions.